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This reference book illustrates the basic principles of stability and how It is a guide to understanding and interpreting vessel stability calculations. KB, BM, KM, KG and GM concept of ship stability An essential in many of the calculations associated with stability is a knowledge of the waterplane. In this figure, the angle of inclination, , is negative, which means that the ship is trimmed by the stern. ?. ,O O? x z. Longitudinal stability of a ship. To provide knowledge at a basic level for those whose responsibilities include the loading and safe operation of ships. 3. To give Maritime students and Loading conditions (how the vessel is loaded) can affect stability by: * Increased displacement reduces freeboard, limits range of stability. Basic Stability for Small Ve s s e l s often the GM is taken to be the measure of a vessel's stability and this is an incorrect assumption. Starting from the very basics, or 'beginning at the very beginning,' the book brings the student steadily up to the required level in such a manner that he canSECTION 1 Vessel Stability. 1.1. UNIT 1.1. Basic Principles of Stability. 1.1. 1.2. Forces Involved. 1.2. 1.3. Centre of Gravity.
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